A Big Thank You and Happy 2013 to All!

2012 has been a good year for this blog. Both views and visitors have increased steadily and got some great comments. This is all thanks to your shares, comments, visits, votes and suggestions!

A Big Thank You and Happy 2013!

Have you got any comments or suggestions? If so, they will be warmly welcome. Get in touch!

I usually dislike compilation lists, especially this time of the year. But, I thought I’d make a summary of the posts that all of you have read the most during this year.

This is the top 5:

  1. London Street Fashion;
  2. The London Olympics Posters;
  3. The Most Romantic Songs for St. Valentine’s Day;
  4. Street Art in London 2;
  5. Formula 1 in London Streets.

These are some of the entries that keep cropping up on the list.

  1. Notting Hill Carnival Time;
  2. Coffee, Anyone?;
  3. Simple Pleasures;
  4. Barbeque Time in London;
  5. Events in London: Music! [infographic].

Once again, I thank you all for your support so far.

I wish you all a happy and Prosperous New Year 2013! Enjoy your party in London or wherever you are and be merry.

A Big Thank You and Happy 2013 to All!

A Londoner from Afar

About A Londoner from Afar

Cheese & choc lover, marketer and linguist who would like to explore and share those aspects that still have the power to make her stay in the amazingly vibrant city of London after nearly 10 years.
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9 Responses to A Big Thank You and Happy 2013 to All!

  1. gedlondon says:

    Happy New year to you too! Best wishes for 2013! 🙂


  2. laurajerrye says:

    Happy new year to you! I have just moved to London and started my own blog where I hope to write about my own experiences.. I’d love it if you could take a look!


  3. bookmole says:

    And a Happy New Year to you, too!


  4. Subhan Zein says:

    Congratulations on that! Wish you the very best of luck for 2013. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


I'd love to read your comments!